First Visit

Join us for worship Sundays at 10am!

You can find CKPres between Silverdale and Bremerton:
9300 Nels Nelson
Bremerton, WA 98311

What To Know Before Your First Service:

All are welcome here


We have a nursery available for little ones under the age of 4. When you enter our church, walk straight ahead down the main hallway and turn right at the hallway on the righthand side. There is also a Quiet Room available with windows into our Sanctuary if you’d rather stay with your little one or need to nurse.


Preschool-5th grade are encouraged to grab a Busy Bag as they enter the Sanctuary. Generally, they will worship with us for the first part of the service and then be dismissed to Sunday School after the Children’s Message. Please feel free to join your child(ren) for the Children's Message.


Those that are sixth grade and up are invited to join us for the entirety of the worship service. Learn more about our Youth Ministry.

What to Wear

You will see everything from suits and ties to shorts and t-shirts at CKPres. Most of us are somewhere in between. Overall, we have a worship environment that accepts people as they are so dress how you feel comfortable.


We have plenty of parking available at CKPres. If the main lot is full when you arrive, there is also a lower lot with additional spots.


You will experience a range of music at CKPres, from contemporary praise choruses to classic hymns. While our praise band leads most of our music on Sunday mornings, you can also expect to hear organ accompanied music and special arrangements from our chancel or handbells choirs. 

Rhythm of Our Liturgy

Liturgy is a word that simply means “the work of the people.” Our liturgy refers to our weekly patterns of responding to God together through worship; the practices that shape and form us together as a community.

Call to Worship

As we saunter into our Sanctuary, leaving behind our weekday routines and schedules, we recognize that we are not inviting God to be present with us. God is already there, drawing us into a sacred place together to glorify God and to be transformed by our encounter.

Music & Arts

Singing and music has always been an integral aspect of the worship of the people of God. Music helps us fulfill the command to love God with every aspect of our being: mind, body, heart and soul. Singing together as a congregation (and our choir) is a powerful expression of our diversity in unity: many voices of varying pitch joining together to glorify God. Some of our music is very new. Some of it has been sung by the Church for hundreds of years.
The integration of artistic forms: stained glass, wood-carving, and sacred art help draw our distracted attentions to the holiness of the space we inhabit.

Children's Message

We reject the notion that Kids are the future of the church. Kids already are the church. We feature a Children’s Message every Sunday so that they know the Sunday morning worship service is not just for adults: they are part of our gathering as a community in worship.

Attention to the Activity of God

Each week we have an element in our liturgy that invites us to “pay attention” to God in a particular way. Sometimes that is through a prayer for our church, community and world. Sometimes it is through speaking a Creed or Confession of Faith together as a way of speaking the truth about who God is with ancient witnesses. Sometimes it is hearing the testimony of someone in our church about a way God was active or present in their lives. And sometimes it is hearing about ways God is at work in our community and world through local ministries and nonprofits. 


The offering is not about church fundraising; it’s a part of our worship service every week because we believe we come to offer nothing less than our whole selves in worship. Worship is less about what we “get out of it” and more about what we bring to our Savior.

The Word of God Read and Proclaimed

The trajectory of every worship service is towards hearing the Word of God. We open the pages of scripture to hear the Word of God read. The Word of God is then proclaimed each week in a sermon of Biblical exposition.

The Sacraments

The Sacraments–Baptism and the Lord’s Supper–are responses to hearing God’s Word proclaimed, stirring a response in us. In Baptism we die to our old selves and are resurrected with Christ to a new life as citizens and colonizers of God’s Kingdom. In the Lord’s Supper (first Sunday of every month) we are drawn in to the Table of grace, where the enmity, walls, and hostility that separate us are torn down, where our sins are forgiven by the shed blood of Christ, and where we are given a foretaste of a future feast where death is no more and all people are gathered together (Isa 25).


“Good word” or “blessing.” We are gathered in grace and we are sent out in grace, reminded that God is not less present when we leave the Sanctuary or gathered worship. Each week we are sent out to do the work of the Kingdom in our world, in anticipation of the next week when we will be drawn back in once again in the liturgy of grace.